My in-laws gave me a very sweet gift card to Barnes & Noble for Christmas and it occurred to me the other day that I could probably use it online. Sure enough! I placed my order and then went to work and talked to Phil. It turns out two of the six books I picked out, he had also picked out for himself for Christmas. One he read and loaned me last night and when I got home this morning I managed to quick cancel that book from the order. The other book I decided to leave in my order since I really like the author and would rather have my own copy. I knew Phil and I had similar taste in reading material but that still kinda surprised me. Anyway, here's what should be delivered to my home on Tuesday the 9th of January:
Hawke by Ted Bell (first book in a new-to-me series)
Relic by Preston & Child (Phil and I read Still Life with Crows and loved it. Phil actually picked up the sequel to Relic for Christmas called Reliquary)
Seven Deadly Wonders by Matt Reilly (this is one that Phil picked up too)
And I picked up two romance novels that I thought my mom and I might enjoy.
Anyone but You by Jennifer Cruisie (an author that we have already established that we like)
Help Wanted, Desperately by Ariel Horn (it was cheap and the reviews looked good)
Brimstone by Preston & Child is the one that I canceled because Phil loaned me his copy last night. I gave him Cell by Stephen King (Steve gave it to me for Christmas and I devoured it in a day) and London Bridges by James Patterson which I haven't read yet but I know Phil will get through it faster than I will, especially since I'm still reading Temple by Matt Reilly. He gave me a couple of others but I can't recall what they are at the moment. If you couldn't tell, we have our own little book club going.
Fun! Enjoy your new books!
I just love to read. Enjoy!
My favourite knid of gift. I'm waiting for a Borders sale so I can spend mine. I really enjoyed Seven Ancient Wonders, very intricate and detailed plot.
Of course, it would have a different title in the States but it's the same book!
The only author on your list I've read is James Patterson, one of my favorite authors. I've quit buying books since, at one point I was reading too fast and spending too much money.
Enjoy your books!
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