So last night we were over at their house to have our one last Christmas gathering - lasagna, fondue and gift exchange - and Md was saying how she was going to take the tree down today but had decided to leave it up since we were all coming over. That's when Ed chimed in that he thought maybe they had our tree.
We started really looking at the tree. It was much thinner than they usually pick out and Ed said when they brought it in the tree was scraping along the ceiling. He and his daughter Alli were looking at each other wondering how they'd managed to pick a tree that was too tall for their house. When they said that, Steve and I started laughing. He had set our tree up the day after we'd bought it and when he'd cut the strings and the tree popped open, he and I were thinking our tree was much, much fatter than it looked when it was out at the tree farm.
Since we both turned our trees in one after the other, we think we didn't look closely enough at the numbers on our tickets when we picked the trees up.

That is a great story! I'm glad you are feeling better. I finally am getting back to blogsphere to catch up with everyone. I just wanted to let you know that you are high on my prayer list right now. Let me know if there is something I can pray for specifically. ((HUGS)) my friend.
Oh that IS funny!
I'm glad to see you here. I pray you get things sorted out in January.
that is so funny!
too too funny!
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