I was in Wal-Mart today with my three youngest children. Granted we were not in a section that was of much or any interest to them but their behavior was above and beyond wild and obnoxious. Finally I had enough and as I turned around with flames in my eyes Ty grabbed G by her shoulders to stop her. I said, "Who wants the first spanking???"
Ty very subtly gave G a little push forward.
I tried to be mad, I really did.
3 years ago
As I often find myself saying.... 'It's a good thing you're cute' At some point, I'm thinking that isn't going to work me nor my girls.
How funny...and, isn't it amazing how they always pull these stunts when you are closest to exploding?
Sigh. Did I mention how much I love my neices and nephews? Life would be so boring with out 'em. :P
ROFL I'm guessing that broke up the mood. ;-)
lol that's so funny! I'll have to remember that question! lol
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