I slept through it.
I know, I know, I get worst mom of the year award. G didn't know what time it started and I asked the boys who have both been attending chapel every Wednesday for years and years and they told me ten. I got there at nine thirty and it was over. Fortunately G was getting so much attention over her hot pink cast that she didn't seem to really care that much.

I had to cut that visit shorter than I would have liked because I had to run Ty to the doctor's office. He has been home from school for the whole week mostly with complaints of a headache. I needed to get an excuse note from the doc since he's been out longer than three days and it turns out the poor kid has strep throat. So one more day home from school and a little amoxicillin and he'll be good as new. I just can't figure out why he'd have a headache but not a sore throat.
After that I was supposed to meet up with some girls from work for dinner and a drink (and to pick up men but I was planning on skipping that part) but I ended up passing out and sleeping like the dead for the rest of the night. When I got up today I had a message on my phone from one of the girls saying they were all beat too and going to make it another night.
I think I saw Steve yesterday. I waved to him when we passed on the road when I was coming home from and he was going to work. I must need to slow down.
Ummmmm Sara......do you have time to BREATHE????
Whew, I've had days like that before, exhausting just to read about it. ...and G's pink cast? I think I missed something? It looks smashing,but oh my goodness! Good luck on the cat ;) I was holding a beautiful little 2 week girl this week and all the baby pangs were there *sigh*
Hey you!! Remember me. I'm baaack!! Life sounds just as crazy as it always does for you! Can't believe how big G is now!!!
lol well my comment would have been the same as M's lol...life is great isn't it! lol
Yup, those baby-wants. I get those...then I hear the babies and toddlers in church and the frustrated moms and dads walk to the back. Or last sunday when we went out to eat with people from church and they had to lay their toddler on two chairs so he could nap and they could have free hands to eat. Yup, that's when I go...yeah, I'm ok. I dont need a baby. I like having school aged children. Then I go hold everyone else's baby to get my fix. I wish I could have a cat. Stupid allergies.
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