Sunday, April 01, 2007

G the Step-Mom

On Friday I sent G and E up to clean up their bedroom. They played a lot, argued a little and got next to nothing done. I was not surprised. After a while my parents came to take G overnight for her special "birthday" day with them. After she left, I had this conversation with E.

E: Today when G and I were in our room, G was being divabiclte.
Me: She was being what?
E: Diffabaculate
Me: She was being difficult?
E: Yeah!
Me: Why do you say that she was being difficult?
E: Because she was being bossss... She was being like the maaaa... She was like a mean maaaa.... She was like a Step-Mom!

I think someone has watched Cinderella a few too many times.


Deb said...

Don't kids say the cutest things. Well I guess it's better that E watches too much Cinderella than watching Saw!!

Velda said...

heeeheeee I love when kids try to use big words!

Margaret said...

You think??? ROTFL

hollyday said...

Too cute!

mel said...

I just love E. She's so cute.