Friday, November 10, 2006

E Ponders God's Omnipotence

On the car ride home from KOP Wednesday morning, E says to me, "Mom, God is like a fairy."

Just moments before we were discussing the small container of bubbles left over from a recent wedding we'd attended so when E said "God is like a fairy" my first thought was just like that picture over there on the right. So I argued with her. "No E, I don't think God is much like a fairy."

But she was insistant. "Yes He is. God is like a fairy."

Finally I thought to ask her why she thought God is like a fairy. She told me, "When you ask God for something He makes it come true, just like a fairy."


Jaime said...

aww. how cute... I just love how kids make you really think about stuff...

Anonymous said...

Fairy God-father?

Margaret said...

Oh how sweet.