Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We've Had a Bad Moment Here Today


Margaret said...

What IS it?

Sara Laughs said...


Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! I'm so sorry!

Jaime said...

oh no!!!!!!!!
so who did it?

mel said...

OH NO!!! Did you cry? I would have cried...

Anonymous said...

Oh no that's SO not good!

meggie said...

Hope it came off!
Were you going to polish the floor?

Here via Emma

Sara Laughs said...

Well I was sitting around the corner blogging about how much E looks like my grandmother when I heard her wimpering. I asked her why she was wimpering but only received more wimpering in response. So I asked again, "E what's the matter?" and still received no response. Then I sniffed. It was a vaguely familiar smell that I couldn't quite place. So I called out, "E.... what is that smell?"

When I asked her why she didn't tell me it had spilled she said she thought I would get mean at her (she says "mean" instead of "mad"). I didn't really get that upset. It helps that she is the baby and I really want to get rid of the carpet anyway.

If I step back and really look at the situation, it's more my fault than anyone elses'. When I was done painting the step stools I should have just put the paint away directly. Live and learn I guess.