On the way there I was cruising down this little back road that twists and turns around a creek when up ahead on the road I could see flares and flashing lights. I know because of the windy road that people tend to have lots of accidents and I was worried the road would be closed (I only know one way to school really well. The others I tend to get a teeny-weenie bit lost sometimes).
As it turns out there had been a water main break and around one of the turns the road had frozen and turned into a pure sheet of ice. Some guys had gone out to set up flares until PennDOT could come and salt. I asked the guy if I could still drive through, explaining my direction predicament and he said I could give it a shot so I slowly started up the twisted incline. There was a guy standing just off to the side of the bend in the road and I thought, "Boy that guy is brave," and I started going around the bend. I wasn't near him but he jumped out of the way anyway and I laughed. Brilliant!
On the way home I spotted a couple of interesting birds on the roadside and grabbed a pic with my phone. It's hard to see them but they're pretty little Ring-Neck Pheasants.

Sara to the rescue! Great picture! But thank you. Really. My daughter's shopping day is tomorrow and I would have completely forgotten. Now I have to go find the form and everything.
Cool pleasants! Glad you were able to get the mone there on time. I'm sure G was very happy about that.
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