Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mr. Fix-It

Ty is Mr. Fix-It. The kid has been performing small home repairs since he was about two years old when he took his sister's doorknob off her door. I used to have to hide the screwdrivers from him. When G was born, Ty was about 18 months old. My mother came to the hospital to visit and when she sat in the rocker with G, it wouldn't move. Ty got down on his hands and knees and it took him less than 15 seconds to figure out what the problem was. He could barely talk but he fixed the rocking chair at the hospital.

So yesterday Ty and I went to my sister's house so she could demonstrate to us how clever the Navajo are in the way they spin and ply yarn (it's very cool!). I took my camera so that we could watch the video before he has to give his oral report. The theory is that it'll keep the information fresh in his brain. For the purposes of speed (she had a monkey to get back to), Mel was using a regular wheel to demonstrate rather than a drop spindle so it wasn't exactly the same way the Navajo would have done it, but we got the jist.

I managed to catch a Mr. Fix-It moment on video. Keep in mind he's never seen a spinning wheel before.

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Lara said...

Your sister spins! I want to spin. Just what I need, another hobby. I think if there were a shop here with spinning wheels and spindles and fiber, I'd be a goner by now.

mel said...

Well, at this point, I only kinda sorta spin. I'm a weaver, and only took up spinning this past year. My stuff is still rather raw, but it was good enough for a Navajo report. LOL. But yes, Thank you mr. fix-it for noticing the black thing in the bobbin went missing. We found it, and managed to ply some yarn.