Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ty and the Navajo

Ty has a Native American report/project due Wednesday. He's had it since the beginning of the school year but has done nothing to work on it until last Friday. I did all the research, printed out the pages, highlighted and labeled the information and all he had to do for the written part of the project was read the info and write it over in his words.

Last night I looked at what he'd gotten done over the last three days. He copied the highlighted information word-for-word. I really thought I was going to have to kill him. I added "Pack bags for when they come to arrest you for murder" on my To-Do list.

So I sat at the computer, read a section of information to him and had him dictate to me what that information meant in his own words which I then typed. Today I have to work on the display board and gather the information for his oral report.

Gee, I sure hope I get an "A" on my Navajo project.


Margaret said...

Sounds like you're A quality to me!

mel said...

Hey, if I could get an A on my mystery box last year, I think you'll get an A on your Navajo project. :P