Monday, October 16, 2006

Popsicle Ty

Today it was obvious to Eileen the bus driver that I'm not usually in charge of getting the kids off to school. Really I'm usually still at work at this point and even when I'm home I'm not up. Today the bus came. S3 was down practicing grinds on the sidewalk so he wasn't ready. G's fingernail polish was still wet so she couldn't carry any of her things and Ty, well, Ty was doing what Ty does best. Hiding.

The bus pulled up and we did the frantic "BUS!" scramble but still Ty did not show up. I was running around the house yelling, "Ty! Ty!" until finally he came running down the stairs, grabbed his lunch and bag and started running down the front step to the bus.

With no jacket.

In 36° weather.

I yelled at him to get his jacket and also in typical Ty fashion, he started his lovely screechy whine, "But I don't know where it iiiiiiiisssssss......" I hunted for it until I saw Eileen closing the bus doors and I told him he was just going to have to go.

Recess is not going to be fun today for Popsicle Ty.


mel said...

Yes, and I doubt he'll have learned his lesson either. LOL. What a character. Love it. :D

Sara Laughs said...

I've composed the first stanza in a song for Ty today. Sing to the tune of "Particle Man" by They Might Be Giants:

Popsicle Ty, Popsicle Ty
Doing the things only Tyler can
What's he like? He's awfully cold
Popsicle Ty

You Tube link to Particle Man: