E has gotten used to a lot of activity and tons of playmates so I think sometimes she's bored here at home with me. Yesterday she expressed a desire to paint with "waterpaint" so we headed out to the Rag Shop and bought some art stuff. I think she painted for four hours straight. That has to be the best five bucks I ever spent. When it was time to clean up for dinner, I looked through her sketchbook. She wrote this all on her own. I don't know how she knew to sound out the word but it's obvious to me I need to get her a "Learn to Read" book.

Wow!!! Look at her go! So does she know all the sound/letter correlations? (Reading teacher in me coming out here.... heehee)
awesome! Looks like she is ready to read...
That's so cute! Brendan was sounding out/spelling "tractor" the other day and almost bowled us over LOL ;). ((hugs))
That's great Sara! Sounds like she is getting ready.
WOW! She has just run laps around Peanut who finally started using N's instead of M's in her name.
LOL That was the funniest story ever. "How was your day Peamut?"
"I'm not telling you until you stop calling me Peamut."
She's too much.
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